Monday, May 6

Trusting my Knowingness... that all is well

I've brought myself this far by proclaiming my rebel tendency... I've never just accepted the majority or the minority rules and regulations when it comes to taking care of ME... I've always known that IAM the best judge of how I feel in different circumstances and moments and what I want and need... but society has a way of making you doubt this, because of all the research pointing to... this way is the best... and if we want to fit in and feel a part of society/community we have to do our bit, caring for others even to our own detriment... after all the collective are more important than ME and our leaders are far more wise... ME a mere drop in the ocean...

The doubts and fears about AM I RIGHT or WRONG over the years, have crept into my subconscious and have made me question and judge myself... sometimes to the extreme... you're a bad girl? you're not worthy? you're stupid? you're dirty? you're not loveable? you're so different? you don't fit in?  what do you know? and it goes on and on until I pay more attention to the part of me that has always whispered... It's OK... I love you... and feel comforted by this loving & all knowing presence...  as if IAM being reeled in... to my divine human beingness... infinite, free, all loving, unlimited, balanced and abundant... knowing that all is well... remembering IAM more than my human experience...
Trusting my knowingness is a practice in itself... luckily it doesn't happen often, but I allow myself to get distracted with the drama and imperfection of being a human being and find myself out of alignment with 'ALL THAT I AM'... I know that attention and practice helps and it is something I have to do for myself... so I continue to flow with my feelings, my knowingness and trust that all is well...

My facial skin is healing naturally... I know there is nothing to do... I've written previously about the flareups coming and going, at times of being out of alignment with myself, not loving myself... but I have had a feeling that there is something underlying that was triggering this phenomenon...
I asked myself what was actually causing my facial skin to be so explosive...I knew it was the part of my body that was 'sensitive' and reflected the times i was not aligned with LOVING MYSELF... but I felt there was something more...
It wasn't even a day, before I received an email from an 'online friend' who directed me to a website of a lady that has been researching an interesting phenomenon... solar flares are affecting us...  and

YES... I felt this was my answer...

Heather says... that from her research on recent solar activity, it is influencing human consciousness.  The flares affect the Central Nervous System, stomach lining, all brain activity (including equilibrium), human behaviour and the mental-emotional-physical response.  They cause nervousness, anxiousness, outbursts of anger, worrisome, dizziness, being lethargic, exhaustion, short term memory problems, heart palpitations, nauseous, hot flushes, headaches and facial skin flushes.

Her writing, resonated with my own knowingness of the New Energy (Photon energy) a higher dimensional frequency that we have all attracted to us (Earth and Humankind) to help us awaken to our divine nature...  The Photon belt has been in the path of the sun for a while now, influencing the active solar cycle that is responsible for the solar flares radiating out powerful magnetic particles that are affecting the magnetic field of Earth and Human Consciousness... causing extreme weather patterns on earth and within our own bodies as a way of cleansing everything that isn't aligned with LOVE...

Earth is now in the path of the Photon belt and consciousness is changing fast... Earth is renewing herself and our physical, emotional and mental bodies are transforming and aligning with our spiritual being... All our past, hidden wounds are being opened, drawn out and released, our DNA is recoding and minds rewired...
We have all called for this CHANGE and nothing will stop it... Earth and Humankind are moving on... We can choose to consciously align ourself with WHO WE TRULY ARE...  DivineHuman Beings of LOVE and work through this great shift of consciousness in awareness and understanding or experience a rough and tough time to come... (in the hope that it will awaken us...)

As I read Heathers research about the solar flares and did a little of my own research at the space weather station... I saw that at the time of each M class solar flare eruption, these past 2 months, my face erupted too... and everything fell into place... I can't explain the elation I felt, that I could finally TRUST my knowingness...  I had understood correctly.... that my facial skin was the physical proof of all my past hurts and wounds being drawn out from my cellular memory and being released... My past was being wiped clean, my memory too... It allowed me to fall deeper into my embrace of IAM, knowing that all is well... IAM healed... IAM whole... IAM holy...

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