Wednesday, May 8

Let's not label our children with ADD, ADHD and AUTISM...

Alexander & Mimi... IAM here...Alexander... swinging high...
When my grandson was born in 2010 I knew he was a ‘new energy’ child… I had been in contact with him ever since his conception and painted with him during his first 10 months of life (within his mum)...  He actually helped me with many life issues, teaching me to LOVE, PLAY and CREATE... IAM thankful for the precious time his parents have given me... from the day of his birth to his third birthday that we have recently celebrated... I have lovingly observed him growing into a 3 year old toddler... He is a child who knows what he wants... what he needs... (a complete REBEL just like his grandma) but also one bundle of LOVE and everyone that has any worries, stress and hardship only has to look at him to know that INDEED, ALL IS WELL...
Our children are here to help humanity expand into a more LOVING space… They are here to teach us to connect and integrate with the part of ourself that is all loving, all powerful and all perfect... To LOVE ourself first and be the Magnificent person we truly are...
Our children sense things through their feelings, it’s not about the mind or the physical, they connect to ‘the oneness’ of life and read the subtle energy fields all around us, tuning into our true inner feelings that emanate from our soul....  They use their 6th sense and instinctively know everything...  Most of us have not been taught to perceive anything beyond our 5 senses... we only belief what we see... but we too have a 6th sense, our imagination and conscious awareness that we can practice using and align with 'all that IAM'... We are so much more than our human body & mind, we are divine light beings having a human experience...
Our children are very attached to close family and friends, they are here to LOVE us unconditionally.  In order to help us become more aware of ourselves they reflect in their 'naughty' actions, our inner feelings of sadness, lostness, anger, guilt, unworthyness etc... what is on the outside is always a reflection of our inner body... until we choose to BE LOVE and live from the attitude of IAM Magnificent... reflecting this back to us too...
Our children are ‘made of’ a higher frequency energy and therefore ‘find it challenging’ to stay in the physical body, focus only on the intellect and be confined to limited and small spaces… Doctors and society have labeled these children with ADD – ADHD – AUTISM… amongst other names... putting them in a box, in the hope to train them to be ‘normal human beings’… giving them drugs in order to tame them to be quiet and orderly…
Why do they like being in big outdoor spaces?  
It allows their body consciousness to expand and resonate with nature, with freedom…Why do they seem distracted when focusing on something intellectual?They see and feel so much more, being multiple-experiences they are overwhelmed…
Our children have a gift for openness, they are multidimensional beings living in a high state of awareness, functioning more from the right brain sensing their environment, knowing instinctively…  They are our teachers... Let's start being good students and align with LOVE and help take humanity to the next level… living a life of peace and love and creating our hearts desire…
Susy miller explains so much more about it all... She called our children... awesome... her website is
I would like to say a special THANKYOU to my daughter-in-law YULIA who has been an inspiration to me...  She is a young 'multi-handed' mother doing her utmost to live her truth...
Grandma Barbara...  Regularly writing about my experiences awakening and living in the New Energy Consciousness... 

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