Saturday, April 7

Welcome Easter 2012... Welcome New Earth...

Calmness, serenity, turquoise, blue, clear, relaxed, breathing deeply, calmly... allowing everything to be as it is, not getting into any outside disturbance, drama, just observing feelings and seeing all old patterns, allowing them to rise and be released... back into a neutral state...

Welcome Full Moon... April 6th and welcome Easter 2012... Spring has indeed began, everything is opening up, being reborn... ready to begin anew... 

Tides risings, emotions surfacing, time for release, a chance for completion of old cycles, creating space and emptiness for new things... our new earth!  Can you imagine...

Peace, cooperation and love, innovative work, free energy, a roof and food for everyone, recycled materials, great new potentials driving everyone forward...

Welcome Full Moon, Easter and our New Earth... I will hold the vision... will you?

Barbara Franken... inspiring New Energy Consciousness... 

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