Sunday, February 26

2012 - A year to make soulful choices...

Make 2012 a year to make soulful choices... ……
Nobody knows what is going to happen in this coming year… there has been plenty of talk and prophesies, but only YOU can make soulful choices and say YES… to CELEBRATING life, BEING in BALANCE and CREATING your own destiny… come what may! 

The greatest shift in consciousness that humanity has ever been faced with, is now in full force… issues and imbalances, from the earth and humanity… are all rising to the surface… To heal.  A NEW CONSCIOUSNESS is expanding across the globe and a tidal wave of NEW ENERGY is available around YOU...  Now is a good time to choose to invite YOUR soul to join YOU here in this reality… to integrate with the ‘I AM’ body consciousness, to love YOUR SELF totally, to live in playfulness and truly honor the human experience. 

Remember… it’s up to you to choose how you handle the intense incoming energies and life’s challenges… YOU can either choose to focus on Mr/Ms Amazing or a stormy atmosphere… as your choice will always attract a corresponding energy to support you… Tips to help keep you in balance this year… Everyday... Allow your body to move freely in a way it feels good… Drink lots of water… Be with nature… Breathe consciously and acknowledge the NOW moment… Smile to yourself and to a stranger… 
If your heart resonates with these words and you feel you would like to join like-minded people… in a weekly circle and/or a monthly creative workshop… the door is wide open and we welcome YOU….  We gather in a relaxed and playful space and share with each other our unique expression, passion, creativity and awakening experiences in the New Energy Consciousness…  
Barbara Franken...Inspiring New Energy Consciousness...

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