Tuesday, February 5

Do GENES control my Destiny? and am I a VIOLENT animal?

Please bare with me, as I attempt to answer these two big life questions that do determine our destiny...  It's a long piece I've written this time, but if you have the patience to read it all, i'd love to hear your comments...  Thanks...

On one hand, I can understand we shun the ‘spiritual’ messages of love, peace and harmony that Jesus, Budda, Mohammad and the Hindu have been reciting over and over again for thousands of years... as we have buried our ‘innate intuitive knowing’ deep within us and no longer recognise the ‘magnificent’ part of ourself… our ‘divine’ self… Instead we have chosen to conform to the will and wisdom of others… living as lap dogs to the ones we call ‘great’ among us…

But now we are hearing a very similar message from the new scientists… love rather than fear enables everything to grow in harmony instead of shutting down in a protective mode…  Is there nothing inside of us that stirs our curiosity to pick up that new ‘quantum physics’ book or newspaper article and try and understand what it is telling us about how the human body and the universe truly works….or have we become so laid back and content with our role of victim and the belief that we are violent animals and our genes determine our destiny… so why do we bother…

I had to giggle this morning when I saw how a 22 year old Italian footballer was one minute shown by the media being so utterly disrespectful and ignorant and the next minute being greeted back home by all his fans when arriving back in Italy… ‘He’s our Hero’ everyone shouted… and the 22 year old held his chin up high and smiled…  this is so typical of how we live now… it is one big joke… and we are all responsible for it…

We reward disrespect and ignorance with so much money, praising ‘famous celebrities’ all in the presence of our children… who learn that this is normal and good behaviour.  We walk past people living in squalor, we are frightened of the impending terrorism from religious fanatics, we choose to vote for one of the political parties… knowing they are all as ego-minded and power hungry as the other and we educate our children and future medical professionals with ancient scientific theories…

Are we really so content and happy with how we live now?  Or is it that we feel there is no point in standing up for ourself and making the best of our life… because of all the limited beliefs we have taken on...  and hearing the continual sermon from the local church… that we are all born sinners and mere pawns under the thumb of GOD… so all good reasons not to give a dam… and oh yes...  the continued pumping of all these pills from the doctor that is making the body act a little strange...

Luckily I was brought up amongst people who taught me to question life, ask and be curious… and something inside me had always  ‘known’ that there was something more to our physical life that could be seen, heard, smelt, tasted and touched…  This inquisitiveness and intuition has guided me to many lands, people and books, which I have distilled and is now a part of my expanded consciousness.  My awakened 6th sense tells me, that we are all indeed interconnected, all equal, unique and all-powerful divine creators and over the years I have had confirmation from the side of spirit and science that this is indeed a powerful truth…

Understanding Physics… and how the body and universe really works… simply said…
Physics is the foundation of all science… of how the world works… but still today, most of us rely solely on the ‘out dated’ Newtonian version of relativity/the state of our existence… Newton physics still applies in the large scale world, predicting events in time and space… but because of its limitation, it does not work in the ‘subatomic’ world where only probabilities can be predicted… because at the subatomic level, phenomena cannot be observed directly… as it cannot be detected with our 5 senses… 

During the last 85 years however, many scientists are following on from Einstein’s invisible quantum world… discovering more and more about physical atoms… being made of vortices of spinning and vibrating energy, each radiating a unique signature… Quantum physics is known for ‘now your see it, now you don’t’ … as the atoms have different structures depending who is looking and what you’re looking for… sometimes it is a solid particle and sometimes it is a wave of immaterial force…  Our material world seems to appear out of thin air, if you look at the atoms of a book you are reading, you will see nothing under the microscope… Einstein recognised that energy equalled matter that they were one and the same, interconnected and dynamic to make the whole of our universe where there are no absolutes because at the atomic level, matter doesn’t exist with certainty…

So with all this in mind, ‘Newtonian physics’ can no longer offer the whole truth of the human body and the universe.  The new quantum awareness has given rise to many discoveries… electronic miracles… TV’s, computers, cell phones, scans, lasers, rocket ships… but still the conventional medicine hasn’t incorporated quantum physics and energy into their research and teachers college…  They continue to believe in the power of chemicals and the scalpel, believing that the body parts are stupid and need outside intervention to maintain health… rather than the power of the mind and body… but as Bruce Lipton says, ‘maybe it’s not just dogmatic thinking but also financial… after all if the body and mind could heal itself… what would happen to all the doctors, the teaching, the chemical research and the pill industry’…  In fact it’s the pharmaceutical ‘doctors’ that are updating our medical doctors with their latest chemical research and advising what is good for our modern diseases…  (very scary..)

Do Gene’s control our destiny…
Epigenetics is the name of a new science under the quantum physics, which means ‘control above the genes’…  It is an interesting science of how environmental signals select, modify and regulate gene activity.  Our genes are constantly remodelling themselves in response to life experience…

While proteins are the physical building blocks of a cell, complementary environmental signals are required for their movement and all this happens in the membrane, the brain heading up the command, even overriding local cells in an emergency situation (fight & flight action). There are two response switches that a cell responses to from the environment, either to grow in a nurturing and loving environment or to protect in a toxic and fearful environment.   The body can promote growth or protect itself... not both…  Positive and loving thoughts and actions are now known to have a powerful impact on our behaviour and genes… when they are in harmony with our subconscious mind…. (the place where our beliefs are stored on record)…

Smart cells are showing scientific evidence that genes DO NOT control biology.  Yes, genes and DNA are part of our blueprint that determine our potential… but not our destiny… we have free will and every moment as we interact with our environment, we make our choices that influence our body and cells… without changing the genetic code… 

Cells also respond to our thoughts and perceptions and the flow of this energy of information in a quantum universe is holistic.  Energy is information and travels fast between each cell… actually you could say instantaneous…  Each human body is a cooperative community of about 50 trillion single cells and when studying these cell communities, Bruce Lipton came to the conclusion that we are not victims of our genes but masters of our fate and able to create a peaceful and loving life.  After all, we are made in the image of GOD… of NATURE…

But genes still control biology… even though there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary…. but doctors continue to brush the evidence under the carpet….

*The man who didn’t believe that viruses and bacteria are the cause of disease… he drank a glass of water laced with vibrio cholera and wasn’t infected…
*The people who take placebos and recover because they believe they were taking ‘real’ medicine…
*The people who think they have had surgery for an arthritic knee and walk normally without pain afterwards…
*The people who walk on hot coals not being blistered or burnt…
*The people who are infected by the HIV virus and don’t express the disease…
*The people who spontaneously recover from terminal cancer…

Henry Ford said it in his working life, ‘If you belief you can or you can’t… you’re right’…  This is because your beliefs act as filters changing how you see the world and your biology adapts to those beliefs… When we recognise that our beliefs are that powerful, we hold the key to our freedom… While we can’t change the codes of our genetic blueprints, we can change our minds…

New biology is a co-operative journey among powerful individuals who can programme themselves to create joyful and loving life’s… Now more than ever it is imperative that we understand the true role we play in programming our children’s lives…  It is in everyone’s interest to be conscious parents and create a life of love, health and joy for our young ones… without the aid of genetic engineers and addiction to drugs…. 

Are we ready to belief in another way of living other than the body as a biochemical machine or as a violent animal destined to be destroyed in our search for survival? 

It’s not about throwing out the old classical physic principles but to bring the two together, just like we can’t ignore either science or spirit, man or woman, but bring the best of each together.  It’s about bringing everything into balance…  

We have become so dependent on the spoken and written word that we have neglected our ‘energy sensing communication’ … the native tribes of the world can sense water underground and medicinal plants to heal the body…  and what about yourself walking into a room where the atmosphere feels good or bad…  Quantum physics reconnects the body, mind and spirit…  they are all matter and energy interconnected… I call it the body consciousness… 

Surely it is time for more research concerning energy as it has been proven to be more efficient in affecting matter (our physical body) than chemicals… it is much faster and less invasive…  When are we all going to wake up to these new facts?  Why do we continue to belief otherwise???

But first we have to understand the difference between our subconscious mind and our conscious mind…  The subconscious mind is our autopilot, a habitual memory house containing all the knowledge we have been told, seen and experienced… it is our programmed software, which works only in the present time…  It is who drives your car when you are talking… remembers how to get dressed and put on the light…  If it believes something, no positive words will convince it otherwise…   but there is hope… 

The conscious mind on the other hand is our awareness, past, present and future…  it supports the subconscious habitual programs and has the power to be spontaneously creative in responses to environmental stimuli.  It is self-reflective in nature and observes our pre-programmed behaviour… and can step in and stop the behaviour and create a new response…  

It is our conscious mind that offers us free-will so we are not complete victims of our programming… Although we have to learn to be ‘forever present’, aware at all times, as our subconscious programming could take over…

The two minds are a dynamic duo working together but it can get complicated when the conscious mind… the voice of our thoughts has a great vision about our happy future… and the subconscious mind’s part in it...as it will be exactly as it was programmed… After all we downloaded without question our behaviour from observing other people…  The learned behaviours and beliefs acquired from others, such as parents, peers, teachers may not support the goals of our conscious mind.   Our biggest impediment to realising our dreams, are the limitations programmed into the subconscious.  These limitations influence our behaviour and play a major role in determining our our life, our health…

Conventional methods for suppressing destructive behaviours include drugs and talk therapy and have failed to bring the dynamic minds into balance…

The hope is to accept the subconscious mind as it is and reprogramme it.  There are new approaches for doing this which involve quantum physics, connecting energy and thought…Energy psychology or as I like to call it Energy Dynamics and part of the New Energy Consciousness…  

Can we imagine though, that all this ‘reprogramming’ wouldn’t be necessary if we were all conscious parents in the first place, radiating love, joy and fun… and everyone would create a successful life…  Utopia…

Lets not wish… lets do it… 

Thank you to Bruce Lipton... who's book 'The Biology of Belief' I enjoyed reading very much and inspired me to write this piece in answer to two very important life questions...  

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