Tuesday, January 15

Choosing LOVE over FEAR... NOW

Tom and I spent some good old 'me time' and 'time-out' Dec 2012, we had a really great time together... celebrating life... and each other... and it overflowed into early January when we went further south to explore a town called Benalmadena...

I also celebrated a couple of dates... December 12th and December 21st 2012, two dates that i've looked forward to for a long time... I gathered with friends from SpiritualMurcia.com to celebrate our continued intention and vision of a peaceful, harmonious and joyful world... We all had a great time together and look forward to more people and groups joining us for our 4 quarterly get togethers... The next one is on the spring equinox 21st March in Bol Nuevo... Hosted by Marie who teaches yoga...

In fact I've looked forward to 2012 for as long as I can remember... for 2 reasons... because I would be celebrating my 1/2 century birthdate and living very consciously in this last year of a long cycle... remembering through all my earthly experiences WHO I AM, releasing everything that no longer served me and celebrating new beginning, a completely new cycle of unity, love, cooperation, peace, harmony...  2012 is not about the end of our world as everyone fears...  but because a long cycle was ending... a long cycle of duality of right and wrong, good and bad, love and fear... 

Celebrations were abundant in Britian this year with the Queens Jubilee and the home Olympics & Paralympics... which brought so much hope and joy to millions around the whole world...  This added to the overall 'happening' from a lot of 'us lightworkers' for focusing on the intention and vision of change... we want NO MORE of the control, power, greed and fear... we want to live in unity, peace, harmony, love and cooperation... with each other...  I AM being the CHANGE... inspiring myself and others... Are YOU?

I thought it appropriate to add here one of my last notes on my travels around Benalmedena...  It is what prompted me to write my heading... Choosing LOVE over FEAR... NOW...

Today (January 10th, 2013) I awoke with the feeling that it was time for me and everyone to choose, it was now or never...  Normally I say it's never too late, there is always an opportunity to change, a new cycle comes around again to help us... but this morning and looking back on todays events I instinctively knew that from now on I had to pay close attention to being present, being in the now moment,  following my intuition and LOVE... instead of FEAR... (following a positive flow by being at peace, trusting myself and choosing what is good for me and for the good of all in every moment, depending on how I felt)...  Today was the last day of the old moon and from tomorrow the new moon would position itself to show a sliver of its new self on Saturday 12th January...

Since December 21st 2012, ( a date that millions of light workers & our guides, aspects etc... around the globe, have been gathering with the same intention and vision of co creating a new earth... a peaceful, harmonious and joyful place, here on Mother Earth... to live in cooperation and love together)...  we 'humans' and Mother Earth had entered a completely new cycle and new dimension... and this last lunar cycle of 'our old ways' (of our 3Dimensional & Dualistic World) has been helping us to finally cleanse, release and heal all our yesterdays...

Today I knew this was a final warning... it was time to move on, new ways, living from the heart, from love, from YOU... otherwise... the spiral tips down and very quickly... when you choose FEAR and allow doubt, mistrust, failure to rule life, you choose an unhappy ending for yourself... YOUR CHOICE is YOUR DESTINY... 

The lion that you imagine will come and eat you up or be your best friend... what do you choose?

It was our golfing day today, we were celebrating our 14 1/2 year wedding anniversary (we thought it was 12 1/2 which we celebrate in Holland, but later checked the dates... whoops...) and I had a business deal going on back home...   Telephones rang, golf players in front so, so slow, my mind was all over the place,  my golf ball too...  and Tom wasn't much better...   I wasn't relaxed and felt very floaty, not belonging...  We both had a terrible score...  Later after a short break at the hotel we took ourselves off to the marina for our Anniversary Dinner... Everything was a disaster from visiting a lovely shop that was closed, our first drink, meal and getting our bill...

I'm not one to go into too much detail or point the finger in blame at negative things... so you won't find any of my negative experiences in restaurants on my blog... as I take responsibility for my thoughts, my actions and my life and everybody who comes into it...  I know instinctively that we are responsible for everything that comes and happens in our life... maybe not always on a conscious level, but definitely on our subconscious level...

Today was showing me what can happen if we don't focus on the present moment, trust and follow our intuitions...  Choosing LOVE over FEAR...  Now it was time to sleep and YES we will return to the restaurant and have a great experience... which i'll write about next time we visit and report in my travelling blog... http://newenergyconsciousnesstravel.blogspot.com.es

To help remind me what happiness is... I am posting my quote that I was recently inspired to write...  Enjoy...

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