Sunday, September 18

I AM a New Energy Consciousness Teacher, who inspires......

I was introduced to NEW ENERGY CONSCIOUSNESS in Amsterdam 1997 during my studies with a Dutch spiritual teacher. I thought at the time, ‘this guy is teaching me so differently, there is no method, no rules, it’s not called anything.., But looking back, I was being introduced to the ’I AM’ NEW ENERGY that had started to come into our consciousness in August 1987, an expanding energy rather than our old vibrational energy.

My 5 years of awakening, understanding and experiencing my own FEELINGS and becoming confident as an AUTHENTIC, ALL-POWERFUL, DIVINE person has been a great foundation for me. It has enabled me to experience the voice of my spirit, discovering the unknown and co-creating (with my spirit) many spectacular things and beings from other dimensions and bringing them into my reality. In the meanwhile my journey continues to EXPAND!

The NEW ENERGY is so fertile now, so abundant with NEW POTENTIALS just waiting to be invited in and serve humankind! Yes… there is a lot of turmoil in our world now, but it is just the normal natural order of EARTH/COSMOS restructuring itself. We all see and feel our old systems, financial, economical and social collapsing around us. There is no place anymore for greed, corruption, dishonesty and fear… Only LOVE will find a place in our NEW EARTH that we are co-creating together!

We are coming up to 2012, a COSMIC TURNING POINT, where our old cycle of DUALITY in the 3rd Dimension will close down, making room for our new cycle of UNITY to begin in the 4th Dimension! The light that has been emerging for quite a while now is transforming all that are attuned to the light! The light is awakening the human capacity of LOVE and SACREDNESS!

Only when we choose to listen to our hearts and participate in the truth, will we start the ball rolling for our own human evolution and integration of the divine human being. The NEW EARTH will need new systems of co-operation and mutual support. We are the new builders and creators of our new reality! Be a builder of a loving and peaceful world by allowing your divineness to shine through your humanness! Be an active part of the spiritual transformation that is taking place right now on earth.

Take time-out each day to meditate and tune into your spirit, who has access to the universal knowingness, wisdom and truth and emanate your light and love across the globe to serve all humanity!

Are you going through the awakening process and finding it quite challenging? Do you need any guidance or reassurance that you are on track and everything is OK? Do you want to meet others going through this same process? Please contact me for a private consultation, join one of my workshops or my Thursday morning meditation circle… 
In LOVE and LIGHT Barbara Franken

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