Friday, October 28

Creative Expression - Our introduction to New Energy Mastership...

October is the month of the birth of our ONLINE WORKSHOP... Creative Expression in the NEW ENERGY...

Welcome to our Creative Expression Workshop…as an introduction to our NEW ENERGY MASTERSHIP WORKSHOP…  We are sure you are going to love today… It’s all about YOU and living the life you’ve always dreamed of having…

I believe we have all come to the same conclusion by now… that everyone is different, everyone has different interests, different desires, different choices, different looks and sizes, different behaviours etc.. etc…and that the way we have been brought up…  and in some cases dragged up… to conform, to do what we are told is right for us and become only the best… has not allowed us to experience the world in our way.. but in the way others have experienced it!

For a long time now humans have lived according to how they should live and based on the experience of others… the majority of us have become robots… not really having a life we can call our own!
So the fact that we are each important and special in our own right… and can experience things differently according to our desire, passion and truth has not really dawned on us, too much!  Yet!

During the last 50 years there have been a few rebels who have gone against the grain, not followed society and allowed themselves to explore and experience life their way… and slowly more and more of us are finding that the old ways don’t work anymore and that our importance, experience and feelings do count.. in fact we are realising more and more that when we live in the moment… each experience and feeling is unique.

Can you remember a time when you experienced something and felt your body stir up with excitement, felt a tingle and realised that you had gained a deeper perception and understanding of something?  This feeling we call an ah-ha moment, when the penny drops, an insight, awareness, intuition….

When we allow ourself to explore and experience life our way in the moment… we gain a deeper awareness of life… this is the moment when we create NEW CONSCIOUSNESS… and bring into our human awareness a deep understanding and knowing of ALLTHAT IS… 

This NEW CONSCIOUSNESS that surrounds you and plant earth has the potential to attract NEW ENERGY… 

You can imagine now that people from all around the world are gaining more insights from their own experiences… new consciousness is in abundance and this has the possibility to attract masses of NEW ENERGY to bring into our reality…. new discoveries, new solutions and a new understanding of love and peace! 

So you do create a difference in the world… just by experiencing and exploring your own life, you gain insights and expand consciousness to include yourself!  Pure new potentials of your divine self can now materialise.

You may now understand why old energy/old consciousness doesn’t work anymore, because it is no longer the same, it has an added component.. YOU…   Old energy is now obsolete…We’ve worn the Old energy… T-Shirt… now it’s time to live in new energy consciousness!

It’s never been done before, there are no books written, no spirits or grand masters that can show you the way… It’s over to you and me to explore the unknown… to imagine, to experience, to play…in joy, happiness and lots of laughter!

New Energy…is out there, because you have created it!  It is just waiting now to be acknowledged and come into your reality.. what are you going to bring in?

AND SO IT IS…Barbara Franken October 2011 
.... Please watch this space for a link to join our online workshop!  Thanks Bx

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