Sunday, June 30

Awakening... becoming aware of our true self...

We are all awakening… becoming more and more aware of our true self and the role we truly play in our own life… Through our journey’s experience, we become aware of the impact our choices have in our own destiny and the responsibility we have for everything that comes in and out of our life… We find out what we like, what feels right for us, what we desire and what truly makes our heart beat and soul sing… A true knowingness that resonates with our core.. An ‘aha’ moment that expands and shifts our human consciousness… which in turn attracts NEW ENERGY to come into our life and serve us… A NEW ENERGY that can fulfil new possibilities and new potentials… beyond anything our mind could imagine…
The NEW ENERGY waits patiently for the human to trust them self implicitly, owns their Sacredness and Creatorship and demands that it serves them (to serve their soul’s passion to experience, express and know itself in all glory).
This is however, beyond all comprehension of the mind… to think that the ‘embodied human (body, mind & soul)’, can steer his own life based on a conscious choice… and immediately sends doubt to the forefront of the mind to remind us that… ‘IAM a mere mortal so nothing is going to happen’, ‘IAM not good enough’, ‘I don’t deserve it’… and YES indeed we stop the flow of energy coming in to serve us, seeing and feeling nothing but our continued struggle… we have allowed our emotional energy (the mind’s extended arm) to attract more of the same… more victimhood, struggle and fear… and we repeat… ‘see it really doesn’t work’… IAM poor me, IAM worthless, IAM depressed, IAM nothing… and we create an ever bigger downward spiral for ourself to get lost in…
Only when we accept that everything is just an experience, becoming aware of our true self and our part in creation… Allow our mind to be quiet and go beyond it… Allow our human self to integrate with our soul, our divineness… Allow ourself to trust or have faith that our hearts desire is fulfilled NOW… because we asked for it in our own name…. can we finally wait in patience, savouring the present moment, understanding that our wish has been fulfilled spiritually or in a dimension that we cannot fully perceive yet… as it takes a little longer for the physical body and mind to catch up because of its density…
Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

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