Sunday, June 30

Awakening... becoming aware of our true self...

We are all awakening… becoming more and more aware of our true self and the role we truly play in our own life… Through our journey’s experience, we become aware of the impact our choices have in our own destiny and the responsibility we have for everything that comes in and out of our life… We find out what we like, what feels right for us, what we desire and what truly makes our heart beat and soul sing… A true knowingness that resonates with our core.. An ‘aha’ moment that expands and shifts our human consciousness… which in turn attracts NEW ENERGY to come into our life and serve us… A NEW ENERGY that can fulfil new possibilities and new potentials… beyond anything our mind could imagine…
The NEW ENERGY waits patiently for the human to trust them self implicitly, owns their Sacredness and Creatorship and demands that it serves them (to serve their soul’s passion to experience, express and know itself in all glory).
This is however, beyond all comprehension of the mind… to think that the ‘embodied human (body, mind & soul)’, can steer his own life based on a conscious choice… and immediately sends doubt to the forefront of the mind to remind us that… ‘IAM a mere mortal so nothing is going to happen’, ‘IAM not good enough’, ‘I don’t deserve it’… and YES indeed we stop the flow of energy coming in to serve us, seeing and feeling nothing but our continued struggle… we have allowed our emotional energy (the mind’s extended arm) to attract more of the same… more victimhood, struggle and fear… and we repeat… ‘see it really doesn’t work’… IAM poor me, IAM worthless, IAM depressed, IAM nothing… and we create an ever bigger downward spiral for ourself to get lost in…
Only when we accept that everything is just an experience, becoming aware of our true self and our part in creation… Allow our mind to be quiet and go beyond it… Allow our human self to integrate with our soul, our divineness… Allow ourself to trust or have faith that our hearts desire is fulfilled NOW… because we asked for it in our own name…. can we finally wait in patience, savouring the present moment, understanding that our wish has been fulfilled spiritually or in a dimension that we cannot fully perceive yet… as it takes a little longer for the physical body and mind to catch up because of its density…
Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Wednesday, June 26

A Woman Awakens...

Something inside me stirred, it had been a long and arduous road…
experiencing the calm, the drive, the dark, the light, the pain, the love, the sadness and the peace…
And like a bolt of thunder and strike of lightning, I brought myself to this moment, and knew with all my being…
I was the dance, the union and coming together of the two extremes…
In each moment I could choose to celebrate, to cooperate and playfully create a life so longed for…
something inside me stirred, the energies had found each other and wonder exploded…
I AM both the inner and outer, the inspiration and creator, the nurturer and builder…
Will you join me in your new awakened state to follow your dreams, create your desires and live together in a peaceful and loving earth.. right here…NOW…

©Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness… 

Sunday, June 23

The Wisdom of Golf... at Lorca Golf Resort, Spain

It was an early rise for another great golfing day… we drove down, along the Costa Calida Coastline, a good half hour away, to Lorca Golf Resort, Spain…  We had an early start time, making sure we were ahead of others golfers wanting to play their round before the sun gets too hot…  The weather is really warming up now… its around 30 degrees… although during the mornings and evenings a strong cool wind blows, sweeping up everything in its path that is not properly grounded…
Lorca golf course is quite new and barren land, on the outskirts of the old city of Lorca in the middle of nowhere.  It is quite a hilly course, surrounded by rough mountains with massive ravines zig zaging across it… where many of my balls found their new home… Unlike Desert Springs, the land is bland and colourless, I felt lucky to come across these lovely wild purple thistles… The land felt good though… natural, wild and alive…  I felt that whoever had developed this land was connected to it and was working from his hearts desire…
Today both Tom and I were buzzing with a renewed sense of excitement, we were walking outdoors in yet another wonderful natural landscape and had another chance to play our very best game of golf… We would see later by our final score, just how calm and empty our mind remains … only focusing on our individual game in this beautiful moment… Oh what a day…
We were both playing well… we were relaxed, not power hitting the ball, but loosely gripping the club and allowing the club to lift the ball into action… oh we had some lousy shots, but understood that the ball either wanted to visit the sea-side and play in the sand or hug a tree and that was ok… we felt free from the end result, the score, which quite ironically mostly allowed us have a good score… 
Today’s interesting happening on the golf course was watching a tour of spanish cyclists cycling around the outskirts of the course, up and down the rough mountain terrain in a good tempo… the human machine driving tirelessly to get to the finish line with a feeling that he’d given it his all…
We were playing the last couple of holes before reaching the 19 for some nice refreshments… we felt invigorated, we had played the course in under 3 hours and our score was looking excellent…   So the day was still young… and we looked forward to diving in our pool and soaking up some more sun on this lovely Sun Day…
Barbara Franken..
If you would like to come on a golfing holiday here on the Costa Calida, I would only be to happy to arrange it… we have beautiful accommodation on Mazarron Country Club, a short distance away from many good golf courses in the area… 

Friday, June 21

Summer Solstice 2013...

Today is the start of a wonderful long Mid Summer Weekend in celebration of the sun’s light and to enjoy our connection with ONENESS… (during the Solstice the veils between the different realities/multi-dimensions are very thin, where the heavens and earth are the closest, heightening our psychic power enabling us to tap into our DIVINENESS for a new experience…)
The next four days is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to join together energetically and create a global love wave… illuminating our heart energy out into the cosmos… The more space that LOVE fills helps to embrace any mischievous and fear-mongering energy (both inside and outside the earth plane), that has the intention of slowing us down from moving on from our dualistic consciousness into unity consciousness…  Know that LOVE will always prevail… (
It is a great opportunity for some ‘quiet me time’ to feel relaxed, calm and breathing with focus on allowing deep fears, hurts and pains to be transmuted in the sunlight… Remembering when we slip back into life’s drama and our busy mind, we close like a flower and cut ourselves off from the ONENESS OF THE WHOLE WORLD… entering a world of darkness, reined by fear…
Our feet are still in two worlds, we see the beauty, the colours and feel the calmness and love but the world continues to be crazy, untruths, dishonesty and greed are all being uncovered, people are fighting to take back the control of their lives, new things are being discovered… Everything on earth and humans too, are restructuring, rocks are turning crystalline and so are our bodies..  So remain calm, go with your body pains, its just changing structure… have faith that everything will be ok…. and lets sing out loud (this will strengthen our intention to be happy, to love, play and have fun… as we move into a new energy consciousness)
Gary Barlow and friends created this inspiring song ‘SING’… for Queen Elisabeth’s Jubilee celebration last year… it reminds us all of our authentic power we each hold to create our own destiny… TOGETHER…
So hear a thousand voices shouting love.
There’s a place, there’s a time in this life when you sing what you are feeling,
Find your feet, stand your ground, don’t you see right now the world is listening to words we say…..
Sing it louder, sing it clearer, knowing everyone will hear you,
Make some noise, find your voice tonight…
Sing it stronger, sing together, make this moment last forever,
Old and young shouting love tonight…To sing we’ve had a lifetime to wait,And see a thousand faces celebrate.You brought hope, you brought life, conquer fear, no it wasn’t always easy,Stood your ground at your feet, don’t you see right now the world is listening to words you say?
Just sing, just sing, just sing, just sing…
Thankyou for reading my words…
Living in the New Energy Consciousness is all about YOU and your PASSION… Barbara x

Thursday, June 20

Have you ever wondered...


Have you ever wondered how different your life might be if you and all society had been brought up with the truth that you were ‘born a Masterpiece’?  A unique and magnificent being, growing up gracefully with all the elements of our natural world, sharing your innocence and qualities with others in spontaneous moments, experiencing the delights and beauty around you and creating whatever filled you with passion and joy …


Have you ever wondered what life would be like if everyone was responsible for their actions and cared for themselves first and each other in an unconditional loving way, knowing that the only purpose to life was to enjoy, indulge and be in each moment… Have you ever dared imagine everyone living and working together in cooperation and harmony, everyone understanding… after so many years of duality… there is no more need to fight, to judge, to doubt and be afraid… we are indeed all equal and there is enough of everything for everyone to share…
Earth and humanity is evolving and human angels around the globe continue to hold a new vision of our NEW EARTH… It is not too late, 2013 is a great year to choose change, to choose to embrace your unique and magnificent being… to awaken to your sacredness… being both human and divine… and live passionately and creatively in the New Energy Consciousness…

Nagano, Japan 08

(I came across the above painting on the web, originally from kguernica’s gallery… They have created there own blog showing the beautiful peace murals the kids are creating together…Kids Guernica...  I thought this painting shows ‘a peaceful vision of our new earth’ that we can all create together…)
Barbara Franken…Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Tuesday, June 11

The curtains are opening... are you awake and watching, feeling and listening to what is going on...

Consciousness Shifting 2010
We have yet another whistle blower bringing to light agencies crossing the line... They say that these safety measures are to protect us???  but how far do you want our leaders to go... At what cost???  What does it mean to be 100% protected against attack, terrorism?  Is it to the cost of our privacy and independence... Mr Snowden is just the latest lad coming out with information where he believes THEY have crossed the line... Mr Wikileaks, Julian Assange still remains in asylum with the Ecuador Embassy after releasing similar data of interest... The US want to punish these guys... but again where do YOU draw the line... isn't it our responsibility to inform everyone when things are just wrong... (even though you may have signed a disclosure of confidentiality)...  Do we all remember what Hitler did...  why didn't anyone come out and say anything then???
I've just signed the petition at the white house to pardon Mr Snowden...
The NSA is one of the security agencies that are said to go beyond... but what about  the CFR and RIIA, our foreign agencies acting on our behalf... what are they doing???  Do your own investigation and check out who founded these groups and for what...
The Bilderberg Group meet up once a year with approx. 150 delegates, the worlds richest and influencial people to discuss... what world affairs???...  Normally our Queen Elisabeth joins... but this year David Cameron has been asked to join the meeting in England... at the cost of the British taxpayers... and why does he want to go as it is all secret... (already since 1954... and before this it was a meeting of the Illuminati from 1776)... surely David Cameron is all for transparency?  and don't we already have a world economic forum and meeting each year with business and banking people... this year in Moscow in October 2013... DAVOS 2013...
So what's so special about this meeting Mr Cameron... are you going to share?  Or are we too stupid and ignorant...
I AM awake... watching, feeling and listening...
Secrets, secrets and more secrets have been going on for a long, long time now, but no more...  The ignorant mass are waking up... shining a light on all the greed and darkness... and it's all coming out in the open...
No elite group of people will influence power over us anymore... Driving us by fear into submission... we are waking up, watching, feeling and listening...  We say NO to domination and one world order...
But we do say YES to enlightened leaders guiding EARTH and HUMANKIND into UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS... No control, dominance, greed, power or fear but cooperation, equality, independence, abundance, freedom, unity and love...
Barbara Franken... Inspiring New Energy Consciousness...I wouldn't call this a conspiracy theory because we are involved in this power game' ... until the time that each heart AWAKENS to the knowledge that there is a choice...
I've recently read an amazing Ebook Unplugging the Patriarchy by Lucia Rene... that I really recommend...