Tuesday, June 11

The curtains are opening... are you awake and watching, feeling and listening to what is going on...

Consciousness Shifting 2010
We have yet another whistle blower bringing to light agencies crossing the line... They say that these safety measures are to protect us???  but how far do you want our leaders to go... At what cost???  What does it mean to be 100% protected against attack, terrorism?  Is it to the cost of our privacy and independence... Mr Snowden is just the latest lad coming out with information where he believes THEY have crossed the line... Mr Wikileaks, Julian Assange still remains in asylum with the Ecuador Embassy after releasing similar data of interest... The US want to punish these guys... but again where do YOU draw the line... isn't it our responsibility to inform everyone when things are just wrong... (even though you may have signed a disclosure of confidentiality)...  Do we all remember what Hitler did...  why didn't anyone come out and say anything then???
I've just signed the petition at the white house to pardon Mr Snowden... https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/pardon-edward-snowden/Dp03vGYD
The NSA is one of the security agencies that are said to go beyond... but what about  the CFR and RIIA, our foreign agencies acting on our behalf... what are they doing???  Do your own investigation and check out who founded these groups and for what...
The Bilderberg Group meet up once a year with approx. 150 delegates, the worlds richest and influencial people to discuss... what world affairs???...  Normally our Queen Elisabeth joins... but this year David Cameron has been asked to join the meeting in England... at the cost of the British taxpayers... and why does he want to go as it is all secret... (already since 1954... and before this it was a meeting of the Illuminati from 1776)... surely David Cameron is all for transparency?  and don't we already have a world economic forum and meeting each year with business and banking people... this year in Moscow in October 2013... DAVOS 2013...
So what's so special about this meeting Mr Cameron... are you going to share?  Or are we too stupid and ignorant...
I AM awake... watching, feeling and listening...
Secrets, secrets and more secrets have been going on for a long, long time now, but no more...  The ignorant mass are waking up... shining a light on all the greed and darkness... and it's all coming out in the open...
No elite group of people will influence power over us anymore... Driving us by fear into submission... we are waking up, watching, feeling and listening...  We say NO to domination and one world order...
But we do say YES to enlightened leaders guiding EARTH and HUMANKIND into UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS... No control, dominance, greed, power or fear but cooperation, equality, independence, abundance, freedom, unity and love...
Barbara Franken... Inspiring New Energy Consciousness...I wouldn't call this a conspiracy theory because we are involved in this power game' ... until the time that each heart AWAKENS to the knowledge that there is a choice...
I've recently read an amazing Ebook Unplugging the Patriarchy by Lucia Rene... that I really recommend...

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