Friday, June 21

Summer Solstice 2013...

Today is the start of a wonderful long Mid Summer Weekend in celebration of the sun’s light and to enjoy our connection with ONENESS… (during the Solstice the veils between the different realities/multi-dimensions are very thin, where the heavens and earth are the closest, heightening our psychic power enabling us to tap into our DIVINENESS for a new experience…)
The next four days is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to join together energetically and create a global love wave… illuminating our heart energy out into the cosmos… The more space that LOVE fills helps to embrace any mischievous and fear-mongering energy (both inside and outside the earth plane), that has the intention of slowing us down from moving on from our dualistic consciousness into unity consciousness…  Know that LOVE will always prevail… (
It is a great opportunity for some ‘quiet me time’ to feel relaxed, calm and breathing with focus on allowing deep fears, hurts and pains to be transmuted in the sunlight… Remembering when we slip back into life’s drama and our busy mind, we close like a flower and cut ourselves off from the ONENESS OF THE WHOLE WORLD… entering a world of darkness, reined by fear…
Our feet are still in two worlds, we see the beauty, the colours and feel the calmness and love but the world continues to be crazy, untruths, dishonesty and greed are all being uncovered, people are fighting to take back the control of their lives, new things are being discovered… Everything on earth and humans too, are restructuring, rocks are turning crystalline and so are our bodies..  So remain calm, go with your body pains, its just changing structure… have faith that everything will be ok…. and lets sing out loud (this will strengthen our intention to be happy, to love, play and have fun… as we move into a new energy consciousness)
Gary Barlow and friends created this inspiring song ‘SING’… for Queen Elisabeth’s Jubilee celebration last year… it reminds us all of our authentic power we each hold to create our own destiny… TOGETHER…
So hear a thousand voices shouting love.
There’s a place, there’s a time in this life when you sing what you are feeling,
Find your feet, stand your ground, don’t you see right now the world is listening to words we say…..
Sing it louder, sing it clearer, knowing everyone will hear you,
Make some noise, find your voice tonight…
Sing it stronger, sing together, make this moment last forever,
Old and young shouting love tonight…To sing we’ve had a lifetime to wait,And see a thousand faces celebrate.You brought hope, you brought life, conquer fear, no it wasn’t always easy,Stood your ground at your feet, don’t you see right now the world is listening to words you say?
Just sing, just sing, just sing, just sing…
Thankyou for reading my words…
Living in the New Energy Consciousness is all about YOU and your PASSION… Barbara x

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