Sunday, May 26

The Wisdom of Golf

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24 years ago today Tom and I got together... a great reason to celebrate a few days in a lovely golf resort, Desert Springs, Almanzora, Spain...  The weather is warm but a little overcast, never mind... Tom and I have an early afternoon start time today to enjoy a nice game of golf and enjoy the beautiful scenery here in Almanzora... We've been here before, but I didn't remember just how beautiful it was.. Desert Springs, like the name reveals is a golf course right in the middle of Mediterranean desert land... It is nature at its very best... wild, colourful, prickly and raw...
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Golf is where Tom and I come together and enjoy some quality time together.... we used to enjoy ballroom and latin dancing together, but since being in Spain we have spent more time outside walking on the many different golf courses... they are our walks in Spain's nature... We both vote desert springs as being one of the best golf courses in this region....
IMG_1215Pink delight
Vibrant colours sway in the breeze, bringing sensual, visual and aromatic experiences of wonder to the heart and soul... all adding to our happy golfing day...  It's never mattered to us whether we win or lose... from our own individual handicap... not that we don't always play our very best... but we understand that how we are inside, how busy or peaceful we feel, always reflects on our golf game... We practice and perfect our swing and just enjoy... especially being out in the sunshine and warmth...  (We hung up our rain clothes, warm gloves and hats when we left Holland)...
Prickly TownersTaking a break...
The game of golf has wonderful stories to tell the person who pays attention... about where the ball finds to lie, the long route it often takes to get to the hole, playing straight or curving right or left, how we focus and have patience on the green and even the people who join our game...  Each game we play shares some wisdom about our self and life... Golf helps us to wisdom...
We see the most interesting things... this beautiful unique 'coloured pencil fence' is such fun... I love colour... this says so much about the people living here...
Coloured pencil fence
After the long 18 holes, we enjoy a refreshing drink and delicious meal at the restaurant on the 19th hole... our celebration day is complete... we look forward to celebrating our 25th anniversary next year... somewhere outside of Spain... exotic in a natural way...
Barbara Franken..
If you would like to come on a golfing holiday here on the Costa Calida, I would only be to happy to arrange it... we have beautiful accommodation on Mazarron Country Club, a short distance away from many good golf courses in the area... 

Tuesday, May 14

Self Pity vs Self Love

Passion FlowerUnnecessary criticism, verbal cruelty, sarcasm and malicious gossip demeans the speaker, making him less, darkening his aura and encourages a habit to form… but even his unspoken words travel through the ‘song of the universe’ to find the recipient…
Do we choose to accept these feelings of wickedness that cloud our aura and reinforce the nasty comment we had heard from a neighbour, friend or dear one? Do we allow it to overwrite who we truly are… and believe we are terrible and that people are against us? Do we allow the words and thoughts to hit our heart like an arrow, sending us into a panic attack and a journey of self-pity?
Or do we choose not to accept these feelings of wickedness, knowing our own magnificence, our confidence and self-worth and like a boomerang the words and thoughts are immediately ‘returned to speaker’…
Sometimes we turn on ourself though and with a destructive attitude and words of doom there is hardly any resistance and within a short time we find ourself wallowing in self-pity…
Until we find the time to feel our feelings, explore the energy, connect and listen to our inner guidance and understand that to love ourself means taking responsibility for ourself, for our attitudes and choose a journey that strengthens us, makes us feel good and shine brightly…
We have to understand that the sorrier we feel for ourself, the worse our life becomes…  Self-pity makes our life worse, but in every moment we always have a choice whether to make our life better or worse… 
Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Creative Expression...

This is your invitation to join Barbara on  
Thursday 30th May, 11-17 hr 
Mazarron Country Club, Murcia, Spain
  For a fun and creative 'me day' with friends in a safe and quiet space...
Connecting to your innate passion and joy, allowing yourself to imagine, be inspired and express your beingness, your soul voice... and enjoy...
*A Dreamwalk... Expanding into the New Energy  Consciousness 
*Intuitive Painting... Bringing a dream into reality
*A 3 Course Homemade Lunch
*Inspiring feedback of the days experience….
Cost... 15 Euro
Contact Barbara to reserve your place by Tel: 650796579
or email
Creative Expression...Can you imagine waking up each morning with an inner yearning to spontaneously BE your heartfelt joy and passion… Today IAM SINGING out loud… Today IAM creating beauty in my garden… Today IAM preparing food… Today IAM painting my dream vision… Today IAM at peace… Today IAM writing a poem… Today IAM taking photographs… Today IAM cleaning… Today IAM going to act as if IAM rejuvenated…
Can we truly allow simple mindful things to be our creative expression and signature of who we truly are, creative beings? Can we align our physical body with our hearts desire and experience our soul? Maybe we can remember how we felt as children or have the urge now to let our hair down, to enjoy some ‘me time’… to laugh, act, play, create, explore, scream out loud and have fun...
We have grown up to be responsible for our self, be mindful and serious at times, but can we remain true to our heart and soul too?  Relaxing into our innate passion and joy, allowing it to flow through us and out into the world… creating our life…
Can we feel this rhythm of life, pulsating through us, connecting us to an all-loving presence? Or has our chattering mind and important ego and other peoples fear, negativity and jealous nature taken over our very being…
Barbara Franken... Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Friday, May 10

Falling in LOVE... with IAM...

Infinite Love
I was about 27 when my new felt freedom of exploring life and experiencing what I liked and desired in life (of the previous 9 years from when I left the family nest at 18), began to filter into my consciousness...  I became aware of deep feelings inside of me, awakening a new sense of BEING... and life has continued to prompt me with signs, people and a knowingness that has guided my choosing and experiencing of my life in the NOW moment...
It has been a gradual unfolding of 'all of me'.. as I have experienced, felt and responded to the last 26 years of my life and my part in it all...  Nearly 27 years of a most loving relationship with myself... a gradual 'falling in love' with myself, Barbara... a HumanBeing integrating and becoming one with my DivineBeing... IAM... all that is...
The rose that I was given last sunday on Mothers Day in Spain, stands tall and in full bloom in my home and continues to grow infinitely... The beautiful infinite rose reflects my inner self... it was a gift and message of love from my divine inner guidance, that has guided me to this moment... and realisation... that all is well... and in just a few more months.. after 'tying up a few loose ends', I will begin a new phase of life... YES... I am graduating with honours, with a distinct attitude and passion to live 'my next 27 years'...
I don't think it has been any coincidence that my favourite subject at school was mathematics, my greatest wonderment and joy was studying numerology... the 9 times table is the centre of my knowing, my favourite number is 3, my family home was 60 and 33, number 9 is the end of a cycle and my 27 years breaks down to 9 and 3 ...
3 is a prime number, equal to fibonacci (the harmony of prime numbers) and is found in Earth's nature, our body and in the sky... 
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In a new awareness everything comes together... 

Infinite Love... A poem to my mum...

 Infinite Love
I REMEMBER feeling you for the first time, so soft and cuddly
and feeling a sense of belonging...
I REMEMBER blowing out my first birthday candle, making a mess
and bouncing in an indoor chair...
I REMEMBER playing with my sister outdoors and in our conservatory
watching the caterpillars, chrysalis and butterflies transform in jam-jars…
I REMEMBER taking care of our pet guinea-pig, rabbit and cat
and the pony who still remains in my imagination…
I REMEMBER hearing the piano played, the fingers so fluent on the keys
and my music lessons on the guitar…
I REMEMBER playing with my friends in the park and digging
our garden with my dad and sister…
I REMEMBER trips to my grandparents in the country and in the town
celebrating family birthdays, weddings and christmas..
I REMEMBER the inner joy I always felt at christmas time, santa's sherry
and mince pie, made possible by you and dad's love and excitement...
I REMEMBER us going away on holidays, riding donkeys,
making sandcastles and running on the beach and into the sea...
I REMEMBER watching you wash the clothes and dishes, cleaning
the house and you teaching me to iron…
I REMEMBER loving to watch films with my dad and sister
and crackerjack at 5 to 5…
I REMEMBER your love for flowers, the smell of your roses
and admiring your green fingers…
I REMEMBER feeling rebellious, a sense of conflict between me and
the outside world and being called mary-mary-quite-contrary…
I REMEMBER finding it hard to breathe for a while and feeling
an inner urge to explore, find freedom and who I truly was…
I REMEMBER you letting me go... to begin my adventure alone,
my wings expanded in confidence, I took off to discover beyond…

The sprinkle of your love and joy has grown so big within me, flowing over
and becoming one with my own love of self…
Your nurturing is my nurturing, your love is my love, your joy is my joy,
you are and IAM one…
Each morning I awake in a bundle of love, have a sense of joy and
excitement and arise to create another best moment exploring all that is…
I turn my head around and feel your embrace, I gently kiss you
on the cheek and silently thank you for being you…


Your loving daughter Barbara xxx 
Not only for Mothers Day 2013 but for every day...  

Wednesday, May 8

Let's not label our children with ADD, ADHD and AUTISM...

Alexander & Mimi... IAM here...Alexander... swinging high...
When my grandson was born in 2010 I knew he was a ‘new energy’ child… I had been in contact with him ever since his conception and painted with him during his first 10 months of life (within his mum)...  He actually helped me with many life issues, teaching me to LOVE, PLAY and CREATE... IAM thankful for the precious time his parents have given me... from the day of his birth to his third birthday that we have recently celebrated... I have lovingly observed him growing into a 3 year old toddler... He is a child who knows what he wants... what he needs... (a complete REBEL just like his grandma) but also one bundle of LOVE and everyone that has any worries, stress and hardship only has to look at him to know that INDEED, ALL IS WELL...
Our children are here to help humanity expand into a more LOVING space… They are here to teach us to connect and integrate with the part of ourself that is all loving, all powerful and all perfect... To LOVE ourself first and be the Magnificent person we truly are...
Our children sense things through their feelings, it’s not about the mind or the physical, they connect to ‘the oneness’ of life and read the subtle energy fields all around us, tuning into our true inner feelings that emanate from our soul....  They use their 6th sense and instinctively know everything...  Most of us have not been taught to perceive anything beyond our 5 senses... we only belief what we see... but we too have a 6th sense, our imagination and conscious awareness that we can practice using and align with 'all that IAM'... We are so much more than our human body & mind, we are divine light beings having a human experience...
Our children are very attached to close family and friends, they are here to LOVE us unconditionally.  In order to help us become more aware of ourselves they reflect in their 'naughty' actions, our inner feelings of sadness, lostness, anger, guilt, unworthyness etc... what is on the outside is always a reflection of our inner body... until we choose to BE LOVE and live from the attitude of IAM Magnificent... reflecting this back to us too...
Our children are ‘made of’ a higher frequency energy and therefore ‘find it challenging’ to stay in the physical body, focus only on the intellect and be confined to limited and small spaces… Doctors and society have labeled these children with ADD – ADHD – AUTISM… amongst other names... putting them in a box, in the hope to train them to be ‘normal human beings’… giving them drugs in order to tame them to be quiet and orderly…
Why do they like being in big outdoor spaces?  
It allows their body consciousness to expand and resonate with nature, with freedom…Why do they seem distracted when focusing on something intellectual?They see and feel so much more, being multiple-experiences they are overwhelmed…
Our children have a gift for openness, they are multidimensional beings living in a high state of awareness, functioning more from the right brain sensing their environment, knowing instinctively…  They are our teachers... Let's start being good students and align with LOVE and help take humanity to the next level… living a life of peace and love and creating our hearts desire…
Susy miller explains so much more about it all... She called our children... awesome... her website is
I would like to say a special THANKYOU to my daughter-in-law YULIA who has been an inspiration to me...  She is a young 'multi-handed' mother doing her utmost to live her truth...
Grandma Barbara...  Regularly writing about my experiences awakening and living in the New Energy Consciousness... 

Monday, May 6

Trusting my Knowingness... that all is well

I've brought myself this far by proclaiming my rebel tendency... I've never just accepted the majority or the minority rules and regulations when it comes to taking care of ME... I've always known that IAM the best judge of how I feel in different circumstances and moments and what I want and need... but society has a way of making you doubt this, because of all the research pointing to... this way is the best... and if we want to fit in and feel a part of society/community we have to do our bit, caring for others even to our own detriment... after all the collective are more important than ME and our leaders are far more wise... ME a mere drop in the ocean...

The doubts and fears about AM I RIGHT or WRONG over the years, have crept into my subconscious and have made me question and judge myself... sometimes to the extreme... you're a bad girl? you're not worthy? you're stupid? you're dirty? you're not loveable? you're so different? you don't fit in?  what do you know? and it goes on and on until I pay more attention to the part of me that has always whispered... It's OK... I love you... and feel comforted by this loving & all knowing presence...  as if IAM being reeled in... to my divine human beingness... infinite, free, all loving, unlimited, balanced and abundant... knowing that all is well... remembering IAM more than my human experience...
Trusting my knowingness is a practice in itself... luckily it doesn't happen often, but I allow myself to get distracted with the drama and imperfection of being a human being and find myself out of alignment with 'ALL THAT I AM'... I know that attention and practice helps and it is something I have to do for myself... so I continue to flow with my feelings, my knowingness and trust that all is well...

My facial skin is healing naturally... I know there is nothing to do... I've written previously about the flareups coming and going, at times of being out of alignment with myself, not loving myself... but I have had a feeling that there is something underlying that was triggering this phenomenon...
I asked myself what was actually causing my facial skin to be so explosive...I knew it was the part of my body that was 'sensitive' and reflected the times i was not aligned with LOVING MYSELF... but I felt there was something more...
It wasn't even a day, before I received an email from an 'online friend' who directed me to a website of a lady that has been researching an interesting phenomenon... solar flares are affecting us...  and

YES... I felt this was my answer...

Heather says... that from her research on recent solar activity, it is influencing human consciousness.  The flares affect the Central Nervous System, stomach lining, all brain activity (including equilibrium), human behaviour and the mental-emotional-physical response.  They cause nervousness, anxiousness, outbursts of anger, worrisome, dizziness, being lethargic, exhaustion, short term memory problems, heart palpitations, nauseous, hot flushes, headaches and facial skin flushes.

Her writing, resonated with my own knowingness of the New Energy (Photon energy) a higher dimensional frequency that we have all attracted to us (Earth and Humankind) to help us awaken to our divine nature...  The Photon belt has been in the path of the sun for a while now, influencing the active solar cycle that is responsible for the solar flares radiating out powerful magnetic particles that are affecting the magnetic field of Earth and Human Consciousness... causing extreme weather patterns on earth and within our own bodies as a way of cleansing everything that isn't aligned with LOVE...

Earth is now in the path of the Photon belt and consciousness is changing fast... Earth is renewing herself and our physical, emotional and mental bodies are transforming and aligning with our spiritual being... All our past, hidden wounds are being opened, drawn out and released, our DNA is recoding and minds rewired...
We have all called for this CHANGE and nothing will stop it... Earth and Humankind are moving on... We can choose to consciously align ourself with WHO WE TRULY ARE...  DivineHuman Beings of LOVE and work through this great shift of consciousness in awareness and understanding or experience a rough and tough time to come... (in the hope that it will awaken us...)

As I read Heathers research about the solar flares and did a little of my own research at the space weather station... I saw that at the time of each M class solar flare eruption, these past 2 months, my face erupted too... and everything fell into place... I can't explain the elation I felt, that I could finally TRUST my knowingness...  I had understood correctly.... that my facial skin was the physical proof of all my past hurts and wounds being drawn out from my cellular memory and being released... My past was being wiped clean, my memory too... It allowed me to fall deeper into my embrace of IAM, knowing that all is well... IAM healed... IAM whole... IAM holy...