Friday, May 10

Falling in LOVE... with IAM...

Infinite Love
I was about 27 when my new felt freedom of exploring life and experiencing what I liked and desired in life (of the previous 9 years from when I left the family nest at 18), began to filter into my consciousness...  I became aware of deep feelings inside of me, awakening a new sense of BEING... and life has continued to prompt me with signs, people and a knowingness that has guided my choosing and experiencing of my life in the NOW moment...
It has been a gradual unfolding of 'all of me'.. as I have experienced, felt and responded to the last 26 years of my life and my part in it all...  Nearly 27 years of a most loving relationship with myself... a gradual 'falling in love' with myself, Barbara... a HumanBeing integrating and becoming one with my DivineBeing... IAM... all that is...
The rose that I was given last sunday on Mothers Day in Spain, stands tall and in full bloom in my home and continues to grow infinitely... The beautiful infinite rose reflects my inner self... it was a gift and message of love from my divine inner guidance, that has guided me to this moment... and realisation... that all is well... and in just a few more months.. after 'tying up a few loose ends', I will begin a new phase of life... YES... I am graduating with honours, with a distinct attitude and passion to live 'my next 27 years'...
I don't think it has been any coincidence that my favourite subject at school was mathematics, my greatest wonderment and joy was studying numerology... the 9 times table is the centre of my knowing, my favourite number is 3, my family home was 60 and 33, number 9 is the end of a cycle and my 27 years breaks down to 9 and 3 ...
3 is a prime number, equal to fibonacci (the harmony of prime numbers) and is found in Earth's nature, our body and in the sky... 
 flower-petals-fibonacci images-8 images-4 images-5 images-6 images-7
In a new awareness everything comes together... 

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