Tuesday, April 9

To truly love self...

This last month has been really heavy for me... I feel the energies have intensified so much these past few weeks, vibrating at a very fast and high frequency...  not only coming from the cosmos but also from the centre of the earth... like hot flames burning away all my yesterdays that no longer support me... my old ways, memories, habits, addictions, patterns etc...  until IAM left with only a peaceful and solid sense of pure love, joy and light...  As I wrote in a recent blog post,  it's taken a toll on my face.. there is no getting away from it... and it continues to flake, peeling all the layers of yesterday off...  I feel like a snake shredding its skin.. going into another phase in life...  So I do know it's important for me to stay relaxed and peaceful and focus on healing and balancing my body consciousness. (body, mind and spirit)..  

Last friday/saturday i 'went into' drama and started feeling sorry for myself, being the poor me and victim... that nothing works etc...  and what happened... my face followed my thoughts and beliefs and I took a step back in my healing and my face became inflamed again...  It was a way of reminding myself that I was not truly loving myself, not trusting myself to heal and knowing that IAM a magnificent light being in a physical body rebalancing my body consciousness... I knew I had to stay away from outside stress, to drink plenty of water, eat a little of good things I liked and to leave off the wine for a while... 

So I thank myself for this test, although I failed, I will remember to focus on wholeness, on my truth, on my magnificence... instead of buying into the fear and victimhood... 

I know that IAM not the only one going through this great shift of energy... we are all being confronted with our fears and having the chance now to release them and integrate fully with our soul, our IAM presence, our magnificent self...  No-one else can help us, each one of us has our own unique wisdom inside of us to guide us home... guide us to be who we truly are... DivineHuman Beings...

It is up to ourself to make sure that our body, mind and spirit is healthy and vibrant so that we can totally care for our self first, our home, our relationship, our family and business...  We have to stand up for ourself, find time to recharge our batteries, write everything down (because everyones memory is being rewired right now) so we remember everything important and make sure that we eat well, drink well and sleep well... We are the one that is responsible for everything in our life, everything that happens... and are the only one who can HELP OURSELF... 

Know that YOU are made up of LOVE itself...  no more searching... everything is right under your  nose... Now is the time to allow yourself to shine, to sleep, to set boundaries at home and work... to say NO when things don't work for you at that moment... to take charge of yourself, your life by focusing on creating your desires and be in JOY...

Barbara Franken... Inspiring New Energy Consciousness... www.sacredheartsretreat.com 

Wednesday, April 3

Meeting Mike and his 'go for life' on the Golf Course...

Today was our golfing day, we were playing the Palms at Pompano Beach.  We were partnered up with Mike... who was moving quiet strangely as we introduced ourselves to each other...  and seeing our concern he told us 'I jump around a bit, I have Parkinsons'...   Oh how I admire people with ailments getting on with life, getting out there and enjoying life... no matter how people judge you for being anything but 'normal'... or how frustrating it can be for you...

Mike was a great golfer, he lived locally and played often... he knew exactly how to play the ball... and get it into the hole... His body might of had its moments of 'jumping' and 'time-out' but Mike was patient with himself and enjoyed his round of golf with new friends on a great sunny floridian day...

Mike, we take our hat of too you, its not easy... we all take too much for granted, but I wanted to Thankyou for showing us patience, caring and most important of all to go for life and enjoy...  We had a great golfing day with you.

Reflecting my day, I had the urge to look up Parkinson's and what the holistic community said about it... like with many other dis-eases (of the body) the medical community labelled them as 'incurable', terminal, chronic, chemical imbalance needing drugs, etc... etc... and as we continue to TRUST our doctors we believe it and swallow the drugs and live with our disease until ....  ...

Directly I came across a website 'Fighting Parkinsons Drug Free' by Howard Shifke who has holistically healed himself of Parkinsons...  He believes that anger, frustration, resentment, a greasy and sweet diet and too much work and not enough sleep all contribute to the electric circuit of the body shutting down... stress causes adrenaline to shut down the production of dopamine that transmits brain signals between the brain and the body.  He lives in Miami,  Florida and I wonder if Mike has met him or even read his website..  I am posting a link to his wonderful website so that others can read about his thoughts on the causes of Parkinsons and his recovery. http://www.fightingparkinsonsdrugfree.com

Howard is a man after my own heart... he says...

'I have the power to heal myself'
'You have the power to heal yourself'
'Together we have the power to heal the world'

Thankyou Mike and Howard...  for coming into my life so that I can share this living and healing experience with others...  Barbara Franken... Inspiring New Energy Consciousness... www.sacredheartsretreat.com