Thursday, September 27

21st September 2012... Celebration of the Autumn Equinox...

SpiritualMurcia held their first Coffee Morning with a difference last friday morning on Mazarron Country Club in the community actiivities centre 13-1.  It was hosted by The Circle of Potential, a local circle of curious and open-minded people who are exploring beyond the mind and into unknown territories... They know, have a gut feeling about the New Potentials that are waiting patiently around each person... to be claimed...

We had a lovely morning together.. local holistic therapists & creative artists, MCC owners and local like minded people...

We created a swop table for everyone attending to recycle 'nearly new items' that they no longer need.. It was a great success and we will repeat this at our next coffee morning with a difference on 21st December... Venue will be in the mountains on Lynne's new retreat.. between here and Cartagena...

SpiritualMurcia holds the vision of... Everyone healing naturally... Everyone living in joy and living and co-operating with neighbours in the community...

We raised a nice some of 80 euros..with all our homemade cakes and donation box... SpiritualMurcia is a non-profit organization, covering its costs of website hosting/name and advertising costs.. the rest is given to local charities... this time we gave Amanda at MAD... 20% to put towards school books for the young ones in Mazarron...

Thanks to everyone who joined... and made a difference to natural healing and the local community...

If people reading this are living locally and would like to become a member of SpiritualMurcia and share your creative expression and who you are... please go to and register yourself...


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