Friday, December 14

Finca Fuentes... A Journey back in Time... 100 years...

Our Spanish teacher and friend Marie Fuentes has opened up her family’s country house in the Mazarron area to the public…

Finca Fuentes lies in the small village of La Atalaya (on the road to Morata) Google directions.

Marie takes groups of 10-12 people on a guided tour ‘back in time…100 years ago’, when the family first inherited Finca Fuentes in 1926.

Marie explains many interesting facts of how they used to live and shows marvellous examples of the clothes and embroidery that the ‘women folk’ made.

Finca Fuentes stands proud amongst the wilderness of La Atalaya and radiates great character and warmth.

Marie and her mother Ginesa are full of smiles and passion… they just love sharing their history and home-life with others…

After a good hours tour, of both the inside and outside of their country home, Marie and Ginesa invite you to their family table where they serve a delicious ‘Traditional Murcian’ meal for you to enjoy.

“Our group enjoyed very much, a wonderful and plentiful feast of fresh local food and wine, in the comfort of a lovely old Spanish family home”.

Tom & Barbara Franken

This is your invitation to experience for yourself, the Murcian Culture and Traditional Food and Drink at Finca Fuentes…

Spend a Different and Special Day in Finca Fuentes
for only 12 per person… (Incl. lunch)
Arrival… 12 noon to approx. 15.00/15.30 hrs.

Drive to the Bar Montrlel, approx. 8 kms on the Morata road, where Marie
will meet you so that you can follow her further to her family home.

Advanced Booking is required… Tel: Marie 630169394

Tuesday, December 11

State vs Church?

Yes it's 2012 and most of us, have stood up for CHANGE in some form or another during the last 2 thousand years... We have said NO to discrimination.. colour, race, age, male/female and sexual orientation... and YES to equality... So why oh why is 'The Church/Religion' wanting to be different... to be excluded from everything?  

In the past we needed the domination, the guidance from above... we were sheep... afraid and lost...

But it's 2012 now and we the people are awakening to our own authentic power and magnificence... we are choosing what we like, what we want to do, what we want to say... we are choosing FREEDOM to be unique and equal... So who the hell do you think you are... Hierarchy of the Church to continue to dismiss women and deny to marry people outside the 'old fashioned' man/woman who can give birth to a baby...  

God is Love, Marriage is about Love...  Making Love is beautiful to whom ever you choose...  

We are no longer cave men and women, afraid of survival and needing answers from outside of ourself... it's been a long road... we have had many experiences, but we have come to the understanding that we are indeed...intelligent and loving human beings, responsible for ourself and know our answers lie within... so please let us get on with it...  step out of our way... We are the state and YES we challenge the ancient laws which govern The Church... We want CHANGE... We want equality everywhere, for everything... We are worth it!  

Is the Church afraid of losing its power... hanging onto old and outdated laws... 

I believe it's time now to accept CHANGE... honour and respect each other and live together in cooperation and harmony...  We are all CREATORS, we can shape our life as we have always dreamed of...  Barbara Franken... Inspiring New Energy Consciousness...