Sunday, August 12

My PASSION is my TrIumph...

A couple of weeks of awe, inspiration, achievement, reaching beyond, legendary, teamwork, emotion, tears, pure joy, personal bests and so much more than the world has seen in many years...

Is this a turning point, not only for Britain, but for the whole world?  Coming together, standing side by side with fellow sportsmen and women to celebrate individual and team performance of going beyond... Being the most magnificent and unique performer at 'The Olympic Games'  you can be... Picking up the bronze, Silver and Gold medals as a bonus... a THANK YOU from the rest of the world for your outstanding, confident, legendary and inspiring performance...

The London Olympics has shown us all that no matter what chaos, conflict and extremities is happening world wide... we can allow ourselves to focus on a greater good and experience pure joy, immense achievement, amazing abilities, endurance, compassion for one another and living and working together as a celebration of 'LIFE'...  It has also shown us all, that when we bring great creative minds, passionate pursuits and voluntary hands together, there is no end to the possibilities that the human being can accomplish...

Can you imagine if every county in every country could set up a 'central heartspace' with great business minds and voluntary hands cooperating side by side, inspiring our young to follow their heart and be 'a most magnificent person'... maybe in sports, maybe the arts, maybe in building or maybe even the economy.  When we allow ourselves to follow our heart... magnificence and passion are born... the driving force of life, where great potential lies... not necessarily for a medal but for the best performance of our life...

We haven't got it right yet, our education stinks and the way we treat our elders is criminal...  But it's never too late...  Together we can be the change... Be passionate and triumph at everything we do, working hard, honouring self, holding our heads up high, offering our voluntary help to a community cause, listening to the wisdom of our elders and being an inspiration to ALL...

The Olympic Games is about individual performances and great teamwork...  a 'Grand Stage' of cooperation, passion and triumph and going beyond, inspiring others on the way...  Please note that i haven't used the word competition... I don't believe we need to compete with others anymore.  Its time to focus on ourselves and just be the most unique and amazing person that we truly are.  We are all different and all equal.  One day, in the not too distant future, I hope to see the whole world...  a world stage with everyone living in cooperation, harmony and balance...

Thank You Olympic Games for reminding us to be our very best...