Thursday, March 8

In Celebration of WOMAN's day... A WOMAN awakens...

The female energy is Inwardly focused, the energy of home, of being, energy of the source that is not yet manifested, forever flowing, calm and inspirational, unconditional love, compassionate and nurturing...  Character aspects of a WOMAN...

The male energy is outwardly focused, the energy of creation, highly focused and driven, materialises form, individual, unique and stands alone... Character aspects of a MAN...

Throughout our history we have been experiencing the dance of energies, the dance of women and men... and very slowly more and more of us are realising that a good balanced mixture of the energies in one body brings a feeling of ...
I AM joy, I AM peace, I AM creative, I AM happy... I AM balanced... I AM... ALL THAT IS...

A WOMAN awakens...

Something inside me stirred, it had been a long and arduous road...
experiencing the calm, the drive, the dark, the light, the pain, the love, the sadness and the peace...

but like a bolt of thunder and strike of lightning, I brought myself to this moment, and knew with all my being...
I was the dance, the union and coming together of the two extremes...

in each moment I could choose to celebrate, to cooperate and playfully create a life so longed for...
something inside me stirred, the energies had found each other and wonder exploded...

I AM both the inner and outer, the inspiration and creator, the nurturer and builder
Will you join me in your new awakened state to follow your dreams, create your desires
and live together in a peaceful and loving earth.. right here...

Sunday, March 4

Let the people redefine reality...

We are living in the 21st century and a lot has happened in the last 800 years... People whether unconscious or conscious are creating a new reality and society based on the 'thoughts and actions of today'...  Life is all about living and experiencing, being joyful and most of all living in cooperation with one another... and slowly YES we the people are learning to come up for ourselves and redefine our reality...

YES a child needs a mother and father role to help nurture them and grow...  but we must realise that the mother and father role is merely an energy that used to be confined to a female or male body...  Now in 2012, after so much human experience, both the female and male bodies are changing and contain both energies... slowly creating a balance in one body...

When we talk about a gay man or a lesbian woman, not being eligible to look after a child because they represent only 'half a marriage' ... this is in fact no longer true...  Today our bodies are much more balanced with both female and male energies, the human being is evolving, allowing more people to 'look after' a child... 'new' marriages need to be recognised and change is good.... Thank you very much... What are you so afraid about?  People power?

We the people are awaking to all the nonsense and madness that has been preached to us the last 800 years... The lioness is awakening and the sheep are scattering...

Lets have no more judgement about being black, white, yellow, gay, lesbian, male, female, rich, poor... Lets honor each person in their sacredness, their sovereignty... Thank you...

Written in reply to Cardinal Keith O'Brien's strong criticism about Gay and Lesbian Marriage...