Thursday, January 12

Welcome 2012 and New Energy Consciousness!

Finally we are here in 2012… a much talked about year… many predictions, many changes, many fears and many possibilities… Let’s make it a year about YOU, focusing on what makes YOU happy, what makes YOU shine, feeling into YOUR experiences, living in the moment, celebrating your best ever time and creating your most desired dream… No matter what is going to happen, let us all make a choice to immerse our self into life and make the best ever year…2012…

2012 is a year of very intense energies… Gaia, earth is releasing old energies that have been stuck here for many thousands of years… look at what’s been happening in the Middle East, Europe and America… All our old systems and structures, financial, economical and social are collapsing and restructuring themselves… there is no place anymore for greed, dictatorship, corruption and dishonesty…

Gaia and Humanity have called out for CHANGE… our old ways no longer work for us; it is time for something different… It is time to go beyond the mind, it is time to trust and love our self, it is time to follow our own rules, it is time to embrace change and release expectations, it is time to laugh out loud and know that everything is going to be OK, it is time to dream and follow our heart, it is time to stay out of the drama that is happening all around us and keep things simple and easy.

It is time to give YOUR self the best ever gift… to invite the new energy consciousness into your life, to breathe in a new reality, to ignite your sacred flame that will shine out and make a difference in the community and the world! Together we are creating a NEW EARTH of LOVE, PEACE, BALANCE and HARMONY…

SacredHearts Retreat is a quiet and sacred space on Mazarron Country Club for people to come together and share their awakening experiences in the emerging New Energy Consciousness and support one another in a new, exciting and fun way. Our weekly and monthly creative and meditative workshops guide YOU into expanding into the NEW ENERGY CONSCIOUSNESS, loving and balancing YOU and bringing in NEW POTENTIALS that will help you live your grandest dream! We meditate (focus on SELF) in various ways and in every moment… when sitting quietly listening to beautiful music, sitting in stillness, breathing, dancing, singing, painting, cooking, writing, walking, acting, laughing and shouting out loud!

New Energy Consciousness is all about YOU and the integration of your magnificence and all powerful human and divine self… All you have to do is choose and allow it all to happen! Come and join Barbara and Anna in their 2012 New Energy Consciousness Workshops, Thursday Morning New Energy Consciousness Circle or our online workshop… we promise YOU a truly enjoyable and magical time... Barbara Franken

Creative and Meditative Workshops
on Mazarron Country Club…
Awakening to your sacredness and
living in the New Energy Consciousness!

Tuesday Workshops 2012… 11am-6pm
Mar 27 – Intro. New Energy Mastership
May 22 – New Energy Mastership 1
May 29 – New Energy Mastership 2
Jun 26 – Touching Potentials
Cost 15 Euro, inc. lunch!

Each Thursday Morning 11am-1pm
New Energy Consciousness Circle…Free!

For more information please contact…
Barbara 650796579, Anna 663572603