Friday, December 9

It's all going to be OK! But first welcome the Chaos...

Sleepless nights, feeling exhausted, surrounded by agitated people... What on earth is happening?  Is the world and everyone going crazy?

Tomorrow morning (Dec 10th 2011) we have a total lunar eclipse... a time when the Earth lines up 'in balance' inbetween the sun and moon.  The sun reflects the light onto the moon... which in turn reflects onto our emotional bodies.. a time for stirring things up inside us, bringing issues up to the surface for us to CLEAR UP what no longer serves us... a time to reconsider our beliefs and thought patterns and allow SELF to truely discover the spirit of life.  Gemini and sagittarius are the 2 energies influencing this lunar eclipse, an electric time!  Can you feel the energy dancing in the air now... it is a time of profound change and awareness for everyone to choose just what they truely desire to have in their life... What makes you smile with delight, dance for joy, sing out loud? 

The whole world certainly appears to be going through a chaotic time... old ways and old systems are failing, dictators are falling, jobs and relationships are changing, countries are uniting, old beliefs and thought patterns are being reconsidered...

The Earth and Human being is evolving... we have created a new expanding consciousness that resonates with passion, peace, harmony, responsibility, creative impulse and new potentials... A new energy is coming in,  that needs space!  The awakened human is creating space for new things and a new way of living.

Everyone that is not anchored into the peaceful space inside them, living passionately and creating their grandest heartfelt desire will indeed get caught up in the chaos and drama of not being good enough, not having enough, not being important and fear of losing it completely!

This chaotic time is a wakeup call for all who are listening!  Welcome it, knowing that you don't have to be affected by it... know that it is part of the restructure of our world...  Choose to put yourself first, choose to clean up your act, choose to say goodbye to everything that no longer serves you and be a part of the new vision of a passionate, creative, peaceful and harmonious world...

Are you listening?  What do you choose? 
In love and light, Barbara Franken..
p.s.  It's all going to be ok... just breathe, relax, allow your heart to open and your passion to create the dream you have always wanted!