Saturday, November 12

My experience of 11-11-11

An awesome day... I experienced two extremities... true harmony within and without and true chaos within and without! All in one day! After my morning run down south ocean boulevard, lauderdale-on-the-sun and swim in our communical pool...I settled down into some quiet 'me-time' and tuned into 11-11-11.
I settled into the energy, breathing it in and just feeling the energy that was about, within me and around the globe... I felt such gratefulness, presence and belonging...true harmony that made me feel so grand! I asked myself the question what 11-11-11 was all about (for me)... I felt and saw myself become illuminated, standing tall and holding hands with other people in a great circle... I understood that I had chosen this moment to show myself to the world, to share my vision of my grandness (the grandness that all humans possess... but do not necesserily show) and our NEW EARTH that we can create together...

It was all about the individual and allowing Barbara to shine, to stand up for what I felt counted... no more greed, dominance, control, deceit, judgement, cruelty, money hungering... as there is no place now for this kind of living, of being. I would not accept it any more, for and from myself and people around me. It was time now to be true to self and be an example of harmony and love... to radiate out my divine/human presence...

This is the only way the world will change when each individual awakens to the truth of their grandness, their sacredness, their sovereignity and ultimately stand together side by side (the 11-11-11... representing awakened individuals standing side by side...together)... Woow, what a great vision to have...

Around 12.12 noon Tom and myself caught the bus for downtown Ft Lauderdale,to enjoy some lunch on the beach front... before going to look for a new family car... it was a few hours later that my joyous feeling and outlook on life... hit rock bottom... It was as if I was checking whether or not I kept to my vision of radiating my grandness and not accepting bullsh.. from anyone! I won't go into so many details, but trust me I experienced spiralling into a black hole of chaos and drama! I was watching myself going into the drama, putting my foot down wildly about what I would accept from another... I deserve nothing less than kindness and support, besides it was my lesson and could deal with it myself... I retired to bed and breathed deeply hoping that the morning would bring me back into a peaceful environment... I awoke in the night having the need to write down the thoughts in my mind and repeat the words I love you Barbara, I'm sorry, Please forgive me and Thankyou! This was my way of making sure I released the chaos... afterall I didn't have the need to go into it even more...

When I awoke next morning, I could feel the peace within and that of everyone around me.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that it's bad to go into chaos, sometimes it's necessary to feel the energy... and discover what we truely want and allow old patterns to be released...and we must remember that it is only energy and we always have a choice whether to experience something or not!

So looking back, it was a great experience day and it has expanded my consciousness...

What about your experience of 11-11-11?

Barbara x

Thursday, November 10

Lets CELEBRATE 11-11-11 together...

A Global Celebration of Unity Consciousness

We are each a vortex, a portal, a point of light upon the globe... one with another and a part of the 144 Crystalline Grid... a new energetic lattice covering the surface of the planet and within...all anchored to the spinning crystalline core of Mother EARTH.  Visualize the grid as a sphere of great circles, a sparkling facet... all 144 points on earth connected as one whole, all awakened divine humans connected as ONE.  The planet is preparing to ascend into the 4th and 5th dimension and for a long time now the grid is increasing in frequency as the magnetic grid is lessened.

We come together this moment in celebration and unity, generating and directing awakened loving energy to awaken all humanity and bond with the living earth and the living cosmos.

We support and give light to the grid, accelerating both the earth’s activation and our own.  The grid is the manifestation of the new energy evolvement and growth of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS... You and Me, are creating this happening!  The triple dates of 01-01-01 through to 12-12-12 are numeric frequency portals, each aligned to activate one of the 12 major facets of the 144 crystalline geodesic grid.  Now, this day 11-11-11 our NEW EARTH is near to completion.  In celebration we confirm... together...

Our acceptance that we are energetic beings surrounded by a potent electromagnetic field...

Our choice to be part of the ascension process and the ascension of the living Gaia.

Our inward channel of great cosmic divine energy flow is emanated outward for Earth’s highest good.

To unify our energies in synchronized ecstatic state to form a powerful light vortex.  This energy can cleanse, brighten, energize and activate each one of us, according to our intent and flow.

Our light is of the highest order and we transfer it to the new grid, the new crystal matrix of Gaia, the 144 Crystal vibration that will help bring about our NEW EARTH.

Allow yourself now to connect to the 11-11-11 grid, allow yourself to open up and feel the activation of Earths portals and vortexes and the integration of the divine human being... YOU!  Breathe and receive...Be now in silence, it is just for you!

Awakened Loving Energy...
Only when we allow our hearts to blossom and start a love affair with ourself can our light illuminate all around us... Be the light, an example of self love... that helps awaken others and together create a NEW EARTH of peace, harmony and balance...  Barbara Franken