Monday, May 24

My Alexander..from Grandma Barbara

This is a most amazing photo of my grandson taken 7th May 2010! (Just over 1 month old)I love you Alexander!

Celebrating... Anna and Barbara...New Energy Masters!

NEW ENERGY MASTERSHIP - "Certified" Workshop

It is time to have many MASTERS all across the land, from each community, region and culture to help anchor the energy of the new expanded consciousness. It is time to work together to co-create a peaceful and loving new world here on Earth!

We invite you to share in an enlightening experience and take part in our truly unique and magnificent creation to be a 'New Energy Master'. We promise, truth, transformation, creativity, celebration and an exciting leap into a new world!

The 5 Week 'Certified' Workshop Includes...
Dancing, Singing, Acting, Writing, Art, Meditation, Celebration and Sacred Ceremonies

New Energy Mastership
A completely NEW 5 Week 'certified' Workshop

Autumn Workshops
Thursday afternoons, 2.30pm-6.00pm.....Oct 7,14,21,28 Nov 4
Wednesday evenings, 5.30pm-9.00pm.....Oct 6,13,20,27 Nov 3
Cost per workshop...€5.00

Tuesday 'crash course', 10am-7pm.........Oct 5,12
Cost per workshop...€12.50

All we ask is your committment to the complete course.

Check out our website for more information...