Sunday, June 21

Intuitive Painting - Mandala Circles

The pattern of creation
The word Mandala is from the Sanskrit meaning circle. Yet is is so much more than a circle, it represents wholeness and our life within the cosmos. Circles appear in all aspects of life from the celestrial circles of earth, sun and moon to the conceptual circles of friends, family and community. Eastern cultures has long embraced the integrated world view represented by the portrayed in their architecture in stupas, mosques and cathedrals.
Maybe the awareness of ‘the pattern of creation’ has the potential to change how the west sees itself, the planet and perhaps even our own life purpose.

The circles with a centre pattern is the basic structure of creation that is reflected from the micro to the macro in the world as we know it. It is a pattern found in nature and is seen in biology, geology, chemistry, physics and astronomy. On our planet, living things are made of cells and each cell has a nucleus...all display circles with centers. The crystals that form ice, rocks and mountains are made of atoms. Each atom is a mandala. Within the Milky Way galazy is our solar system and within our solar system is Earth. Each is a mandala that is part of a larger mandala. Flowers, the rings found in tree trunks and the spiraling outward and inward of the snail’s shell all reflect the primal mandala pattern. Whereever a center is found radiating outward and inward there is wholeness...A Mandala

The mandala pattern is used in many cultures and religious traditions, the Tibetans used highly intricate sand illustrations as a meditation to create compassion, acceptence and peace, the Indians created medicine wheels, the Aztecs made their circular calendars and the Taoist ýin-yang’symbol represents oppositon as well as interdependence. Representing the universe itself, a mandala is both the microcosm and the macrocosm and we are all part of its intricate design. The mandala is more than an image seen with our eyes, it is an actual moment in time. It can be used as a vehicle to explore art, science, religion and life itself. The mandala contains an encyclopedia of the finite and a road map to infinity.

Carl Jung said that a mandala symbolizes ‘a safe refuge of inner reconciliation and wholeness’. It is á synthesis of distinctive elements in a unified scheme representing the basic nature of existence’. Jung used the mandala for his own personal growth and wrote about his experiences.

A circle represents our beginning and no ending!

All paths and steps lead back to the centre! You are the centre! You are a part of the whole! You are the whole! (Your soul, I AM not your ego personality, ego only helps you choose!)

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