Thursday, April 15

Our grandson Alexander Thomas Franken...Born 04-04-10

This great picture is Juliette holding Alexander!

I am so very happy to tell the world of the birth of our grandson Alexander, (sasha for short) in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday 4th April 2010. Alexander is big and strong, born 8.4 lbs and 19 3/4 ins long. Yulia and Richard are estatic with their son who, believe me is absolutely adorable. Big sister Milana is being a great help for mummy, she's dying to play with him! Auntie Juliette is watch out all you guys cause she's on the look out for her guy and father for her child! Grandma Barbara and Grandma Ingrid remain in wonder of the new miracle in the family! Grandad Tom has seen it all on skype and is very proud...

Speaking myself, I have felt a very strong spiritual connection with Alexander even since I heard the news last July... I wonder what we'll be doing together on an energy level? At the moment there is a lot of healing going on... but what is going to happen... is univerally massive! So watch this space for the wonderful experiences to follow... and growth of Alexander... We are wondering what colour hair and eyes he will have. His eyes are now a beautiful blue/purple colour and his hair is dark with a red shine... (from his grandad!) Barbara

Barbara and Tom Franken

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