Sunday, December 20 - Holidays in Spain!

Property Management Services on Mazarron Country Club
For all your relaxing holidays in spain!
We make sure that your vacant property is in safe hands!

Please contact...Barbara and Tom Franken for more information
or take a look at our website

Sacred Hearts Retreat - 2010 Itinenary

Sacred Hearts Retreat is moving forward into the 'New Energy'. We have created various workshops to help guide us into the New Energy! Preparing ourselves to move into the next dimension....Letting go of last stubborn fears and drama patterns... Enabling us to free up our space, tune into Divine Sacredness and co-create a life of enjoyment, abundance and surprise!

Meditation Week Retreat...
June 21 - 28 & Sept 20 - 27 on Mazarron Country Club
An intensive week to focus and celebrate Sacredness

Meditation Day Workshops...
Tuesdays from 11am - 4pm on/from Mazarron Country Club
Apr 20 Walking in Silence
May 18 Intuitive Painting
Jun 15 Creative Cooking
Sep 28 Intuitive Painting
Oct 19 Creative Cooking
Nov 16 Intuitive Painting
Dec 21 Winter Solice Celebrations!
Enjoyable days playing, acting and being SACRED!

A 6 Week Meditation Workshop...Creating Healing Cards!
Monday evenings from 5pm - 8pm on Mazarron Country Club
Apr 26. May 03, May 10, May 17, May 25 & May 31
It's not only about the creation of your own healing cards...It's about the healing journey on the way!

A 6 Week 'New Energy Mastership' Workshop...(Certified Course)Thursday afternoons from 3pm-6pm in May & Jun on Mazarron Country Club
Watch this space for actual dates and more information...

Please contact Barbara... for more info!

Saturday, December 19

Our 2010 Sacred Hearts Week Retreat dates are now available...take a look on our website under Sacred Hearts Week Retreat.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...2010

Wishing everyone a wonderful christmas with your family and friends...time to share special quiet moments together and reflect back on 2009...Lets all look forward to a peaceful, healthy and abundant 2010!

Photon Energy Forecasts December 2009

Day Level
1 3.86
3 4.13
5 3.97
8 4.07
11 4.34
13 4.22
16 4.63
20 4.94
24 5.12
27 5.45
29 5.23
30 5.78

Energy levels are pretty much balanced coming to the end of the year!